PONS Luncheon Roundtable: Protecting Cogntion - Exercise and Non-Pharmacological Interventions
October 28, 2019
Please join us to discuss protecting cogntion, with a focus on exercise and non-pharmacological interventions, with our expert panelists Drs. Michelle C. Janelsins, PhD, MPH (Depts. of Neuroscience, Radiation Oncology, and Surgery); F. Vankee Lin, PhD, RN (Depts. of BCS, Psychiatry, Neurology, and Neuroscience); and Andy Samuelson, PhD (Dept. of Biomedical Genetics)
PONS Luncheon Roundtable Series: Biomedical Imaging
June 24, 2019
URMC Medical Center Specialty Room 2-7544
Please join us for our last Luncheon of the season. We’ll be discussing advances in biomedical imaging techniques with expert panelists Ed Brown, Ph.D. (Depts. of Biomedical Engineering and Neuroscience), Michael Giacomelli, Ph.D. (Dept. of Biomedical Engineering), and Bradley Turner, M.D., M.P.H., M.H.A. (Dept. of Pathology and Lab Medicine). Refreshments will be provided. See you there!
PONS Luncheon Roundtable: Music and the Brain
May 20, 2019
URMC Hawkins Room (1-7438)
Please join us to discuss the neuroscience of music and music training with expert panelists Drs. Matthew BaileyShea, Ph.D. (Dept. of Music Theory), David Temperley, Ph.D. (Dept. of Music Theory), Ed Lalor, Ph.D. (Depts. of BME and Neuroscience), and Ross Maddox, Ph.D. (Depts. of BME and Neuroscience). Refreshments will be provided. See you there!
PONS Luncheon Roundtable Series: Neuromuscular Disorders
April 29, 2019
Rochester Brain Awareness Week 2
April 22, 2019
Annual Neuroscience Retreat
April 12, 2019
Memorial Art Gallery, 500 University Ave, Rochester, NY
Rochester Brain Awareness Week 1
April 8, 2019
PONS Luncheon Roundtable Series: Publish or Perish
March 29, 2019
URMC Louise Slaughter Conference Room (1-9555)
PONS Luncheon Roundtable Series: Stress and Anxiety Disorders
February 22, 2019
URMC Combined Northeastern Room (1-9525 & 1-9535)
Rochester Brain Bee
February 2, 2019
University of Rochester Goergen 101 (Sloan Auditorium)
See our Brain Bee web page for more information.
2019 Rochester SfN Chapter Elections
December 21, 2018
The Rochester Chapter of the Society for Neuroscience supports the University’s Brain Awareness outreach programs including the Brain Bee and Brain Awareness Week school visits and activities through grants and sponsored events. With several of our councilors retiring this year we will be bringing in 3 new council members in January 2019 and need your help in voting to select the three new members. Please click on the link below and rank order your preference of the listed nominees with 1 being the highest.
SfN Chapter Poster Session and Happy Hour
November 30, 2018
LeChase Assembly Hall, Medical Center
The Rochester Chapter of the Society for Neuroscience is hosting a poster session and happy hour with prizes for the best posters.
Rochester Brain Awareness Campaign Fundraiser
November 27, 2018
Chipotle, College Town
The University of Rochester Brain Awareness Campaign is gearing up for our third annual Brain Bee! This competition for local high school students takes place every February, and we send the winner and their parent to Baltimore for the national competition. In order to do this, we need your help! We are hosting a fundraiser at Chipotle on Tuesday, November 27 from 4-8PM. If you are hungry, please stop by the College Town Chipotle and mention that you would like to support the Brain Awareness Campaign. That's all it takes! Burritos for you, money for us to send a student to a national neuroscience competition.
SfN Annual Meeting
November 2, 2018
San Diego, CA
PONS Luncheon Roundtable Series: Developmental and Regenerative Neuroscience
October 1, 2018
Med Center Specialty Room 2-7536
Brain Awareness Campaign Fundraiser
September 8, 2018
Pittsford Barnes and Noble
The University of Rochester Brain Awareness Campaign will be holding a fundraiser on Saturday, September 8, from 9:30 a.m.-6:30 p.m. at the Pittsford Barnes and Noble (3349 Monroe Ave).
PONS Luncheon Roundtable Series: Acquired Hearing Difficulties and Deafness
March 30, 2018
Med Center Specialty Room 2-7520
Brain Awareness Week: Volunteer School Visits
March 26, 2018
Brain Awareness Week: Volunteer School Visits
March 19, 2018
Rochester Brain Bee
February 3, 2018
University of Rochester, Meliora Hall, Room 366
The Brain Awareness Campaign will be hosting their 2nd annual Rochester Brain Bee on February 3, 2018 from 1-4pm at the University of Rochester, Meliora Hall, Room 366. Come watch local high school students show off their knowledge about the brain as they compete for the chance to represent Rochester at the National Brain Bee in Baltimore.
SfN Postmortem Poster Session
November 30, 2017
Le Chase Assembly Hall (G-9576)
Didn’t make it to D.C. for this year’s SfN meeting? Then come to the SfN-Rochester “Postmortem” poster session and reception to catch up on the great neuroscience research happening on campus! And even if you attended SfN, come check out the local posters that you didn’t have time to see.
PONS Luncheon Roundtable Series: TBI and Concussions
November 20, 2017
Med Center Specialty Room 2-7536
SFN Annual Meeting
November 11, 2017
Washington, D.C.
Brain Awareness Campaign Fundraiser
October 22, 2017
Pittsford Barnes & Noble, 3349 Monroe Ave
BAC will be holding a fundraiser and needs your help! We’re reaching out to recruit volunteers for this event, which will be held from 9:30am-6:30pm.
PONS Luncheon Roundtable Series: Glial Biology
September 18, 2017
LeChase Assembly Hall (G-9576) @ Noon
Annual Neuroscience Retreat
May 26, 2017
Memorial Art Gallery
Brain Awareness Week
April 3, 2017
Brain Awareness Week is an annual, national outreach program to educate the public about brain science.
Neuroscience Postdoc Happy Hour
March 22, 2017
1st floor Point Room, Kornberg Medical Research Bldg 1-9919
Meet other neuroscientists... Mingle with SfN Chapter leaders... Give input on what SfN can do for YOU!
SfN “Post-mortem” Poster Session and Reception
November 29, 2016
University of Rochester River Campus, Meliora Hall, 3rd floor
Didn’t make it to San Diego for this year’s SfN meeting? Then come to the SfN-Rochester “Post-Mortem” poster session and reception to catch up on the great neuroscience research happening on campus! And even if you attended SfN, come check out the local posters that you didn’t have time to see.
Finding your first neuroscience faculty position
September 26, 2016
URMC, Anderson Room G-8543
Panelists: Jessica Cantlon, Greg DeAngelis, Ross Maddox, Krishnan Padmanabhan
Brain Awareness Week
March 14, 2016
Post-doc / Faculty Seminar Series
March 10, 2016
K-307 (3-6408), University of Rochester Medical Center
Post-doc / Faculty Seminar Series
February 18, 2016
K-307 (3-6408), University of Rochester Medical Center
Neuroscience Postdoc Happy Hour
February 3, 2016
1st Floor Point Room (1-9919)
Post-doc / Faculty Seminar Series
January 14, 2016
K-307 (3-6408), University of Rochester Medical Center
Halloween SfN Post-Mortem Poster Session and Party
October 30, 2015
Meliora Hall, 3rd floor
Join us for a recap of posters presented at last week's Society for Neuroscience meeting. Refreshments will be served. Costumes are encouraged!
Post-doc / Faculty Seminar Series
July 16, 2015
K-307 (3-6408), University of Rochester Medical Center
Jennetta Hammond, Ph.D.
Postdoctoral Fellow, Gelbard Lab
Center for Neural Development and Disease
University of Rochester Medical Center
Post-doc / Faculty Seminar Series
June 18, 2015
K-307 (3-6408), University of Rochester Medical Center
Post-doc / Faculty Seminar Series
May 21, 2015
K-307 (3-6408), University of Rochester Medical Center
Post-doc / Faculty Seminar Series
April 23, 2015
K-307 (3-6408), University of Rochester Medical Center
Annual Neuroscience Retreat
April 17, 2015
Memorial Art Gallery
Postdoc/Faculty Seminar Series
February 19, 2015
K-307 (3-6408), University of Rochester Medical Center
"Imaging the once obscured behaviors of blood cells in the retinal circulation of mice and men: New insights detail ocular blood flow and its regulation in the living animal"
Postdoc/Faculty Seminar Series
January 15, 2015
K-207 (2-6408) University of Rochester Medical Center
Adam G. Rouse, M.D., Ph.D., Postdoc, Marc Schieber’s Finger Movement Laboratory, University of Rochester
NGP Holiday Party
December 5, 2014
Helen Wood Hall
OSA Fall Vision Meeting
October 10, 2014
University of Pennsylvania (Philadelphia, PA)
Announcing the Center for Visual Sciences 29th Symposium
August 22, 2014
University of Rochester, Rochester, NY
The 29th Symposium of the Center for Visual Science will bring vision restoration researchers together with low vision specialists who study the importance for daily living of such visual capabilities as: foveal versus peripheral vision, motion versus form perception, and high luminance cone versus low luminance rod mediated vision. It will examine vision restoration in light of the variety of disorders that damage vision and the type of information that partially or totally blind patients need to function normally. It will also consider the role played by central visual pathways in restoring vision, limitations to recovery resulting from alteration of early visual development, and the importance of cortical plasticity in refinement of visual perception as patients adapt to their visual prosthesis. The conference will also provide an opportunity for students and post-docs to present their work in poster sessions, and will make competitive travel fellowships available to the best of the students and post-docs who wish to attend and present their work.
Elizabeth Doty Lecture
May 12, 2014
Class of 1962 Auditorium (G-9425), University of Rochester Medical Center
Time: 4:00 pm
CVS 50th Anniversary
October 18, 2013
Save the Date: The CVS 50th Anniversary event will be held October 18-20, 2013.
Meliora Weekend
October 10, 2013
University of Rochester
Celebrate class reunions, family weekend, and homecoming activities with a range of programs, including major speakers events, arts and entertainment, reunion events, seminars, open houses and more.
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